Wednesday, June 1, 2022

 Hello again! 

Another bear finish. He is made from a well loved man's dress shirt. It is a gift from a Mom to her daughter who is due to have a baby this month. This bear is made from the shirt her Dad wore when she was born.  The dress shirt was the most worn fabric I have yet to work with . I know it was a favorite. I had just enough fabric left to make a baby bear. 

This back of the collar was so unique, I had to keep it attached to the collar. This fabric was so very fragile, I used stabilizer to keep it from shredding and fray check on some of the seams.  I like to use the label of the clothing too.  

I know I always say this, but I feel so privileged to be a part of this very special gift. 

If you know anyone who would like a memory bear, please contact me at 

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