Thursday, January 10, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
 Last year I had big plans to get a bunch of things accomplished. The year didn't work out like I had hoped but it's ok. I had made a list of all of the things I had gotten finished and I am pleased with what I got done. It isn't as much as I planned but it's all good. I'm starting a new list for this year.  It is neat to look back and see what I sewed each month.

For 2019, I'm not making resolutions. I'm working toward goals. One goal is to eat better, exercise more and take better care of myself. Our daughter is getting married in May. I would love to look nice in my dress for her pictures.

I joined the Stashbuster group's UFO Challenge again this year. I'm excited to get things finished. There is a bit of a difference this year though.  I'm now working in a quilt shop. One of the perks to working there is that I  have access to using a long arm machine. Next week is my first lesson. One of my coworkers is kind enough to teach me how to use it.

The main thing I am working on so far are rugs. My husband made me a rug loom for Christmas and so far I have made three rugs. They are so much fun and easy to make.  I love how each one comes out different!

 They use up a ton of scraps too!  I am keeping track of how many I get finished from my big bin of fabric strips. My loom was made from the book Rugs From Rags by Country Threads.